Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Honeybee Project

Have you read this talk?

It's pretty good.

I've been thinking a lot about it.

It's amazing to me that during its life, a single bee will only contribute approximately 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey.  A TEASPOON.  That's not very much.  But that's not what has me thinking.

Mostly I've been thinking about this talk because I've felt guilty.  Guilty because Elder Ballard basically issued a challenge that I strongly agreed with but for which I have yet to comply:

"There is one simple daily practice that can make a difference for every member of the Church, including you boys and girls, you young men and you young women, you single adults, and you fathers and mothers.
That simple practice is: In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children. Then go throughout the day with your heart full of faith and love, looking for someone to help. Stay focused, just like the honeybees focus on the flowers from which to gather nectar and pollen. If you do this, your spiritual sensitivities will be enlarged and you will discover opportunities to serve that you never before realized were possible." (

I have a strong testimony of service!  I know it brings true happiness!  There are lots of times that a leader has issued the challenge to serve more, and I do and I am better off!  And I fully intended to follow Elder Ballard's counsel.  But I have yet to do so (okay, I did once, but it was really a half-hearted effort and I don't even remember serving anyone that day so it doesn't count).

I'm really bothered by that fact that I haven't acted on this, and almost every lesson I've heard in church since then has focused on service (or maybe my guilty conscience is interpreting that from everything I hear).  So........what's stopping me?

I'm lazy.  And selfish.  And life gets busy so I tell myself that I'll do better tomorrow.  But mostly, I'm afraid.  I'm afraid because I know that service can be inconvenient and/or exhausting (which was reinforced in another conference talk).  And if I pray specifically to help someone, and I'm presented with that opportunity, but then forgo it, then what good is praying for it in the first place?

Well, we are starting a new year.  And new years are great times for new beginnings, cliche as it may be.

Usually at this time of year I would make a long list of things I'd like to change and/or do throughout the next year (my resolutions can be quite lengthy).  Some I'd do, some I wouldn't, some I'd maybe add to the next year's list.  This year, I still have a long mental list of resolutions.  But I feel like the one I need to make official by writing down, the one I need to focus on the most, is to follow Elder Ballard's advice/counsel/command.

I'm dedicating 2013 to The Honeybee Project.

Every morning I'll pray for an opportunity to serve and then go throughout the day looking for someone to help.

That doesn't sound so hard, right?

I'm terrified.

Here's to the new year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas, Oh Joy!

Well, we all survived 12/21/12 but the bigger question this year was, would I survive the annual Bryant Family Christmas party?  It's been a long standing tradition that we all get together on the 23rd of December (22nd this year) for some of the most amazing food of our lives, in exchange for small amounts of exploitation.  If we want to eat, we have to put up.  Put our talents on display, that is.  Mom and Dad pull out all of the stops on the meal and expect everyone else to provide the entertainment via our talents.  This is non-negotiable (trust me, I've tried), and it gets harder and harder every year.  For starters, I seriously have the most adorable nieces and nephews.  And the older they get the more talented they get.  It's getting harder to deal with that kind of pressure.  Another problem is, I'm running out of really creative ideas.  Stand up comedy?  Done it.  Music video?  Done it.  Ventriloquist act?  Done it.  Let's face it, the only REAL talent I have is playing the piano, and all of the little ones are surpassing me on that.

Do you understand my desperation?

So this year, I had to pull out the big guns.  Slam poetry.

Don't know what that is?  Neither did I.  Check it out on YouTube and you'll get a good laugh.

I dressed in all (mostly) black, stood under a spotlight, and recited my original Christmas poem while everyone in the audience "snapped" me on.

Needless to say, it wasn't my finest hour.  But I survived.  And the food was amazing.  And everyone else really brought their A game, talent wise.  We had gymnastics, a beautiful craft, piano, violin, cello, guitar, singing, a sun BEAM! song, storytelling, and a family slide show.  All in all, it was a pretty fabulous night!  A great way to kick off the final days until Christmas!  I hope you and yours have a fabulous holiday!

Merry Christmas to all!

(For anyone interested, and for my own, personal record keeping, my slam poem is below.......use your imagination.  After I performed it, Hudson looked at me, smiled, and shyly said, "that was weird."  Ya buddy, I know.)

Christmas, Oh Joy!

Christmas!  Christmas!
Joy to the world, oh joy, oh joy, joy to the joyous world!
There's so much joy.........
Joy in the smiling, in the sledding, the singing, the skiing, and in the shopping.
The shopping!
Shopping and crowds and sales and traffic and chaos.
Buy!  Return!  Buy!  Return!  Buy!  Return!  BUY!  RETURN!!
Do you hear them?
The Bells!
The bells!  They're ringing and singing and jingling.
Jingle!  Jingle!  Jingle!
He comes.
All red and white and jolly with his belly full of jelly and sack full of toys.
His rosy cheeks and charcoal boots and brass belt.
Who is it?
Ho!  Ho!  Ho!
Santa Clause!  St. Nick!  Kris Kringle!  Papa Noel!
Bringing toys and toys and toys, more toys.
Oh the joyous toys!!
The stockings, the candy, the holly and mistletoe.
And the lights!
Brightly shinning,
On the rooftops, the housetops, the midnight sky.
They lead the way.
Lead to your house, your tree, your heart, your fam-i-ly.
They bring peace.
Peace and comfort and joy.
Oh Joy!
It's Christmas!  It's Christmas!!  CHRISTMAS!!!
May your days be merry and bright.
Oh joy!
It's Christmas, oh joy, the joy.
Christmas Joy!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week In Review

Some people think that the life of a single person can be boring.  Sometimes I think that a "boring" week at home sounds really nice.  For me, this week has definitely been eventful!  To recap:

  • Went to the Jazz v. Spurs game (thanks Mom & Dad!) with Shan.  It was so great to spend some quality time with her even though we both had super busy weeks.  She is a fabulous sister and I love laughing and being crazy with her.  Just like old times!  The game was awesome.  Tim Duncan was amazing, although I don't think he'll be playing for much longer.  Such a talented ball player.  My allegiances were torn because I'm such a devoted fan, yet I felt a pull to cheer for my "home town" team.  Luckily for me, the Jazz ended up winning it with an unbelievable 3 pointer at the buzzer!  Sorry Tim, maybe next time.
  • Saw "Lincoln."  Wow.  It really made me want to read up more on him and his life.  I wish that my history teachers in junior high and high school would have focused more on the individuals of history rather than memorizing dates.  That was boring.  The older I get the more I realize that history is entirely fascinating.  I'm just sad I jumped on the train so late.
  • Went to the Christmas Concert at Temple Square and cried like a baby.  It was INSANE trying to even get downtown and we barely made the concert.  Once again, it was a busy week but I'm so glad I went because it was one of the best concerts I had been to!  Not only did Alfie Boe sing a "Les Mis" song ("Bring Him Home"), but Tom Brokaw was there to narrate.  He told an inspiring story of the "Candy Bomber" during WWII.  I don't know what it is about me and war stories, but I love them.  Not only was it an inspiring story, but the concert designers arranged to have the sound of jets flying in the background while they were showing home video footage of German children near the US airstrip.  Then they brought out snow.  And if that weren't enough, they threw parachutes of candy from the ceiling down to the audience.  For anyone that wasn't in tears by this point, they pulled out the big guns.  The Candy Bomber himself appeared after the story was told.  I'm telling you what, nothing brings the Christmas Spirit stronger than a story of someone engaging in a small act of kindness (that subsequently turned very, very huge.  But I guess that's what kindness does, it inspires us all to act a little better).  Afterwards my friends and I walked around Temple Square to look at the lights and see the candy displays in the Macy's windows.  It was a magical evening! 
  • There was a huge "women wearing pants to church" movement.  Being a recent law graduate, I had a lot of friends who joined in the debate.  I personally did not share my views on the subject because, quite frankly, I've got bigger problems to worry about.  Like, for instance, whether I even have any CLEAN clothes to wear to church.  My laundry is seriously getting out of control.  But I digress.  I heard and read a lot of commentary on both sides and I've come to the conclusion that........I'm Switzerland.  
  • Tried eggnog (again).  Decided I kind of like it (in small quantities).  Then again, maybe not.
  • I was double booked for Christmas parties on Saturday.  My work threw an awesome Christmas party at the restaurant I named (Sixth Street Pizzeria) and then spoiled me with gifts.  I also went to a Christmas party with an amazing group of friends.  It seems like time slips away so quickly and we don't get to spend as much time together, but it was great to get together and celebrate the season!  I also drank some of the best hot chocolate I've ever had.  The secret?  Half and half.  Maybe I shouldn't have asked.........
  • I listened to a Seventy speak at church.  Due to the fact that my calling legally allows me to "ward hop," I've had the opportunity to hear from quite a few general authorities in the last year and a half (Elder Bowen, Elder Munday, Elder Keech, Elder Lund, Elder Terry.......Sister Beck......Elder Bednar).  Sometimes I wish that I could listen to them every Sunday.  It is so uplifting to have them expound the scriptures and bare testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.  Unfortunately, when the time comes, it may be a difficult transition attending the same ward every Sunday.  It's definitely been a blessing that comes with its hardships, but for now, it's my life.
  • For anyone living under a rock, there was a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut.  Once I heard the news, I immediately called my friend, Sara, to make sure it wasn't her kids' school.  Thankfully, it wasn't.  But it was still a horrific tragedy and my heart breaks for everyone affected.  It has been inspiring, however, to hear the stories of forgiveness and families/communities coming together to support each other.  Maybe we can find peace on earth, even in the midst of such tragedy.  
See what I mean?  Definitely NOT boring.  This time next week, it will be Christmas Eve.......I should probably start shopping.  An even bigger problem, though, is what the heck am I going to do for the annual Bryant family talent show?  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tips From Kan's Kitchen & A Movie Star

Saturday was the annual "Christmas Cooking Day" at the Bryant house.  This is a tradition that has been going on for several years and we were able to do it earlier in the month due to the fact that I didn't have the stress of finals (yahoo)!  It is an exciting/educational/exhausting day when the Bryant (and Ludlow) women ages 10+ get together to make holiday goodies for our friends and neighbors.  It's a full day of cooking, dipping, laughing, and sometimes, crying.  My usual assignments include paper products (which is actually harder than it sounds) and bon-bons.  This year, partly due to the fact that I am trying to hone my domestic skills, I also tried out a new recipe.  Peppermint brownies.  I'm still not sure the results outweighed the effort involved, especially considering the real cooks in the family made awesome new contributions this year, too (JaKayla's cookie dough balls were to die for and Shanel blew us all away with her almond joy cupcakes).  But I think we really outdid ourselves this year!  Becky Jo and Jocelyn joined us for the first time and although Jill was still recovering from her recent surgery, she made an appearance to join in the fun!
You may think it odd that the goodies were in the garage......but it's actually the best way for the chocolates to set up before we prepare them for packaging and delivery.  My dad came up with this idea and set it all up for us! (Don't worry, everything complied with FDA regulations).
So here are a few tips if you're thinking of doing your own holiday baking this year:

1.  Don't double the bon-bon recipe.  Ever.  You might think that if you have a large volume of treat plates to give out, you should double the recipe to make sure everyone gets some.  This is a trap and will result in the development of carpal tunnel from all of the ball rolling you will have to do.

2.  When your sister says that she will help you with your brownies, what she really means to say is that she will mix 4 ingredients together and then leave you to fend for yourself.

3.  No matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are, when you dip chocolates you inevitably end up spilling and smearing chocolate on random body parts that were not used in the dipping process.

4.  Ziploc bags are heaven sent and whoever thought of "the holiday collection" was a genius.

5.  Porcelain mugs will break when you drop them into the sink.  Even from a height of 6 inches.  Even by accident.  Just leave the dish washing to those with more experience in the kitchen.

In other news, we have a movie star on our hands (or at least a budding celebrity)!  My niece Taylor was featured on the local news for the efforts her school class made in helping to save an eagle.  Check it out! (I still have not learned how to embed videos to the blog, thus the link instead of the actual video).

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's Christmas Time

I was unsure whether I would decorate for Christmas this year.  All of my holiday decor is stored at my house in Salt Lake, 45 minutes away.  Normally this is not a big deal but when you factor in time to drive there, dig through all of my stuff, decide what I'm going to use and what I won't, then drive back home and spend time setting it up, I wasn't sure the benefits outweighed the effort.  I mean, in less than a month I would have to go through the process to take it all down again.  I have similar feelings about mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, and sometimes even making my bed.  Plus, my parents have amazing decorations and if I really wanted to get in the Christmas Spirit, I could just go visit them. the end I finally buckled.  I do love Christmas.

Kayla, Joc, Brook, and Brin all came over and helped me set it up.  They did a great job and were really creative in where to put things and how to arrange them!  Especially with my tree since I have a tree and lights, just no ornaments.  It was so fun to spend some time with them since I don't get to see them as often anymore.  So, thanks to my four little helpers I am all set for Christmas!

Christmas is a time for Mo-Tab music and the First Presidency Devotional.  I watched it with my parents tonight and really loved President Uchtdorf's talk on being good receivers of gifts.  I told my mom that this is one area I should probably work on more this season.  Unfortunately, she didn't agree.  Regardless, I love Christmas because the gifts you give/receive are symbols of the love you have for the people in your life.  According to my list, I love (and consequently will gift) approximately 31 people this Christmas.  For those of you that don't make the list this year, you can either interpret that to mean I am still a poor graduate trying to pay off her student loans and the funds just couldn't stretch as far, or you can try to get back in my good graces and make the list next year.  But let's all be good receivers, eh?

December is also a month for family and lights and hot chocolate and maybe even a Christmas miracle or two.  Jill is going in for surgery tomorrow and I just pray that everything will go smoothly.  She is one of the greatest people I know and I love her so much.  I just hope that the doctors will be lead to do everything necessary to help her get healthy as quickly as possible.  Especially since, if the Mayans were right, none of us have much time left.

I hope your holidays are merry and bright!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks in Connecticut

 This Thanksgiving was the "off year" at the Bryant house.  Cade, Jake, and Shanel all had plans to go to their in-laws to celebrate the big day.  Although we usually get together for pie Thanksgiving evening, I opted to head East to give thanks.  I have a great friend Sara who has been living in Connecticut while her husband is doing his podiatry residency, and since they weren't coming home for the holidays I invited myself over for the week.  I flew into New York Thanksgiving morning and while I was there, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Live.  In person.  I'm not exactly into parades, and I never watch it on TV Thanksgiving morning, but I love participating in exciting things, and this was definitely a once in a lifetime experience!  I hauled my carry on luggage all the way to 72nd and Central Park West and immediately ran into a sea of people.  I don't know exactly what I was expecting but I might have thought that since I was just one person I'd be able to squeeze myself in to get a better view.  Wrong.  It was crazy!  But super exciting.  I saw Jimmy Fallon, Flo Rida, and even the Power Rangers.  I only stayed for the first hour because I had to make my way to Connecticut for the feast.  I offered to pick up a Sbarro pizza as my contribution to the meal, but it wasn't needed because there was SO MUCH DELICIOUS FOOD.  Seriously, my taste buds almost couldn't keep up with the experience. 

I was in the middle of a huge crowd.  This was the crowd behind me and there was a group about the same size in front of me.  Needless to say I didn't make it to the street to get a better view.
Everyone was given a balloon once they made it to the parade route, and a couple of people decided to see how high they could get the balloons to go.  Eventually the two lines tangled together and then were set free to fly into the blue sky.

Kermit the Frog.  It was a beautiful day and I didn't need any of the layers of clothes I took to keep warm, but the glare of the sun was pretty strong.

This is Mickey Mouse who passed by as I was on my way back to the subway.  I was pretty far back at this point but the view was still pretty good and the sun wasn't nearly as bad.  Also, the crowd of people was dispersed enough that it was almost a more comfortable viewing place. 
After the parade I made my way to Connecticut.  It was so fun to see Sara, Ryan, and their adorable kids Isaac, Maddie, and Davis.  Sara has been such a good friend over the years and I'm so glad that we've been able to keep in touch.  Plus, it was good for her kids to get some quality time with me because if something ever happens to Sara and Ryan, I told her I was taking her kids.  I know it's not really fair to their families, but her kids are just too cute!  

The Saturday after Thanksgiving Sara and I drove to Newport, Rhode Island for some sight seeing.  We toured through 3 mansions in Newport, The Elms, Marble House, and The Breakers.  The houses were AMAZING, a bit over the top, but so fun to walk through and experience a bit of history.  It was definitely a "Downton" moment (even though the houses weren't nearly as large as the Abbey), so when we got back to Connecticut Sara and I had to watch an episode.  No photography was allowed except for at one of the Christmas trees at the Breakers.  All of the mansions were decked out for Christmas, and although they were only summer homes for the original owners, they were decorated as they would have been had Christmas been celebrated there (so said the Preservation Society).  After the tours we drove around the coast and I could totally imagine myself in a tennis skirt with a sweater around my shoulders, sailing (because that's what posh people in Newport do).  It was FREEZING or else we would have walked the Cliff Walk where you can also get a great view of the coast. 

Sara at the Christmas Tree at The Breakers.  That poinsettia bouquet was fresh and smelled amazing.
My turn by the Tree.  We were given headsets to guide us through all of the mansions.
When I was in elementary school I did my state report on Rhode Island.  I couldn't remember many of the facts from the report, and I never really thought I would even visit the state, but it was beautiful and I'm so glad that we made the trip.  And it totally reinforced my desire to go sailing at some point in my life (hopefully not too far in the future).

Even though I didn't stay in Utah for Thanksgiving, I had plenty to give thanks for.  I have a great job, an amazing family, and fabulous friends.  My cup runneth over!  I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving and are excited to prepare for the most important holiday of all...........Christmas!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Be Prepared

Quite a few years ago I had an experience that really affected me (or is it effect?  I can never remember.....).

I was in the bathroom doing my hair, minding my own business, when WHAM!!! hairdryer burned out.  It was a Sunday.  I was running late for church.  Worst. Timing. Ever.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty OCD about my hair.  It's a gift and a curse, and really, it runs so deep that even I don't understand it.  So you can imagine my frustration when I was standing there with a broken hairdryer and half-dried, frizzy hair with no solution in sight.  I couldn't scrunch it to make it curly because half of it was already straight.  I couldn't use my flat iron to try to dry/straighten it because it was too wet.  I couldn't just let it air dry because it wasn't Halloween and believe me, that is a scary sight.  There was no other hairdryer in the house that I could borrow and because I was running late, I couldn't go turn to friends or family for support.  I felt helpless.

I'm sure everything turned out just fine because I'm still alive today but the rest of that day is just a blur. I'm not sure if it was so traumatic I blocked it from my memory but I literally can't remember what happened next.

I do understand how shallow this sounds.

But this shallow experience has taught me a very important lesson.  Be prepared.

Fast forward a few years and I'm using a new hairdryer.  It starts acting a bit funny and I have to control my breathing to prevent myself from having a panic attack.  Tender mercy, I was able to dry my hair just fine.  But later that day I went straight to Costco to get a new hairdryer.  I just couldn't let it happen again and if the hairdryer decided to go out on me, I would have a backup.  No more hair nightmares!

Fast forward another few years and I'm still using the same hairdryer.  I still have the backup in the cupboard, just in case, but I haven't had to use it.  Even if my normal dryer starts to act up, I don't freak out.  I don't have an anxiety attack.  I don't have to figure out an exit strategy because I already have one.  I'm as calm as a summer's morning.

I still haven't decided if my good fortune of using the same hairdryer for this many years (which is unprecedented for me) is really the result of just that, luck, or if it's Karma rewarding me for my preparation of the worst.  Regardless of the reason, I have extreme peace of mind.

So I guess that is my message today.  Not about hair, but about being prepared for all situations in life.  We all get thrown curve balls every once in a while but when that happens, it's comforting to know that we did all that we could have done in regards to preparation.  And I do believe that we are rewarded and blessed when we do take the time to be prepared.

"If ye are prepared ye shall not fear."

I have a 72 hour kit in my closet that I haven't looked at or updated in years.  I put an alarm on my phone to remind me every Saturday to update it until it gets done.  It's been a month and I still haven't gotten around to it.  So the Apocalypse may very well come and I will be caught unawares.

But at least I'll have a hairdryer.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Two weeks ago marked the beginning of the birthday frenzy in the Bryant family.  Within 3 weeks we celebrate 6 birthdays and since we are all (minus Becky Jo) birthday divas, it's been a big party!  It's kind of a blessing because it helps alleviate some of the anticipation and excitement for Christmas (don't even get me started on the maniacs we all become in December)!  The schedule can get a bit complicated but here's how it played out this year:  

Cade's birthday celebrated 2 weeks early, Cade's actual birthday (which most of us have forgotten about because of aforementioned celebrations), Halloween, my birthday (not to be overshadowed by Halloween), Brooklyn's birthday, Landon's birthday, celebration of my, Becky Jo's, Brooklyn's, and Landon's birthdays (and yes, we sang 4 times, to us each individually), Becky Jo's actual birthday, and we will close the birthday season with Logan's actual birthday and celebration.

Pretty crazy, huh?

We love it.  

Why?  Because what should really be birthDAY usually turns into birthWEEK or birthMONTH.  And who wouldn't love that?

I turned 33 this year and I feel pretty good about it.  Several people joked about me being younger (21, 23, 25) but I was a bit confused as to why.  I've been telling people I'm 33 for a few months now so I was glad to finally catch up to myself!  I don't know what the year will bring but I sure enjoyed celebrating!  I felt especially loved and appreciated and spoiled. 

I'm not very good about remembering to take pictures but here's a shot with my little buddies while hanging out at Jake and Becky Jo's watching the CMA awards.  It was a great ending to a great day!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


This week I hit a milestone.  Or rather, Nygle did.

It was May 2005.  I was graduating from college and it was time to get a new car.  The "Olds" would only last so long and since I had a full time job all lined up, it was time to get my own car.  Against the advice of my college professor, I purchased one brand new (I think this was at the top of his list of the 5 worst financial mistakes you can make).  It was an exciting time for me, and a growing experience as I didn't know how to drive a stick shift at the time (I'm pretty much a professional now).

Nygle and I have been through a lot together the last 7.5 years.  There was a time that I wondered whether we'd make it.  But just this week I looked down and noticed we hit 100,000 miles (I was trying really hard to capture the moment right at 100,000 miles but the best I could do was 100,008....which is actually fitting in a way because when I picked him up at the dealership there were already a few miles on the odometer).  

Although I do harbor a secret love for the FJ Cruiser, Nygle has been good to me and I couldn't have asked for a better vehicle.  Here's to the next 100,000.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Atlas Shrugged, Part II

Yesterday I went to see the much anticipated (by me and a handful of friends) Atlas Shrugged, Part II.  I am very passionate about the book and am thrilled that it's transitioning onto the big screen.  Part I came out in 2011 and although it received harsh reviews, I didn't think the film was too bad.  There were a lot of no-name actors and it was definitely a low-budget film.  Some people criticized that the story line was too hard to follow and that it jumped around a lot.  Having recently read the book, my first impression was that Part I could have been EPIC, but considering the circumstances behind the making of the film it was good enough and made for an enjoyable evening (especially since I had only spent $0.99 on the redbox rental).  Taking all of this into consideration I thought my expectations were pretty reasonable for Part II.

In a nutshell, was it the WORST film I have ever seen?

No......but it was pretty close.

I was disappointed.

It did, however, make me want to read the book again.  Such a great novel!  I can't, in good conscience, recommend this film to anyone. But I do highly recommend the book, especially considering our current political climate.  Read it.  Enjoy it.  Call me and we'll talk about it.

In other news, I do have some unrelated updates:

First, it's official.  Kandis Bryant, Esquire.  It was a great day and I'm going to try really hard to remember all of the little people who helped me get to where I am today.  :)

Second, thanks for all of your concern after my post about my cooking experiences.  I will keep you updated as I learn more, but I can report that I made crockpot lasagna yesterday and the fire alarm didn't go off once.  So I'm learning.

Lastly, it looks like I'm relocating to Connecticut.....for Thanksgiving that is!  This year is the year all of my siblings head to their in-laws for Thanksgiving so instead of kicking it with Mummsy and Popsicle, I decided to head East.  As I keep telling my mom, I'm not "ditching" them (a term she likes to throw out every now and then) but I'm simply taking advantage of the extra time off of work that surrounds the holidays.  Really, I'm being quite efficient in my vacation time.  This way, when they go on their mission I will have plenty of vacation time to go visit them and spend some QUALITY time (aka a month if they go anywhere in Europe).  So really, I'm just keeping their best interest at heart (and......November may or may not be about 6 months since returning from Hawaii, so a vacation will be long overdue.  I think I might be slightly spoiled).

Have a good week!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tips from Kan's Kitchen

So, in less than 48 hours I will get sworn in as a real life lawyer.

Don't hate me.

About 4 years ago when I first told my mom I was applying to law school her first reaction was to tell me she hated lawyers.  I think she still likes me, but that may be due in part to the fact that I told her she would get free legal services for life.  My dad has already scheduled said services.  I should probably tell them that I don't really know what I'm doing..........

But I digress.

So I'm going to be a lawyer.  I have all of these accolades and degrees and titles but there is one thing that has really been bothering me.  I can't cook.  And I really want to be the type of person that has nothing in her kitchen and a dozen people show up to dinner and she ends up feeding them the best meal they've ever eaten, you know?  Just something she "threw" together.  Like MacGyver.  But in a kitchen.

I've been trying.  It's been my goal to try my hand at cooking but frankly it's not going well.  I've even managed to ruin some of the simple things I used to make so well.  Sigh.  I think my ego is having a harder time with it than my stomach is.  But, I will keep forging forward!  I won't give up (unless I decide it would be easier to hire a cook)!  Come hell or high water, I WILL learn to make a meal without calling my mom or sister at least a dozen times with questions!

Here are a few things I've learned on my journey thus far (1.5 months in):

1.  It is worth the extra money to buy heavy duty garbage bags.  The heavier duty, the better.  Whatever the cost.  You will try to rationalize your way out of it, saying your pocketbook can't afford it, but don't give in.  You will thank me later.

2.  When a recipe calls for 1 can of tuna and 1 cup of mayonnaise use your head and think before dumping everything into the bowl.  Life has taught me that 1 can of mayonnaise equates to approximately 6 cans of tuna.

3.  When you think you are being efficient by buying mini, pre peeled and sliced carrots to use in your recipe (because, you know, the mini carrots could also double as being an easy "grab and go" vegetable to take to work), you are actually being less efficient.  It takes about 151x longer to grate the amount of mini carrots you need.  And you may lose some fingers (or fingernails) in the process.

I know what you're thinking and trust me, I'm not planning on quitting my day job any time soon!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

3 Days, 3 Shows, and Dinner & a Movie

Well, school is starting back up this week BUT I WON’T BE!  

Crazy to think about!  

To celebrate, I went to see Wicked, one of the best musicals of our time, in Salt Lake with some family and friends.  It was my fourth time (I think I might be slightly obsessed) and it was still great!  The entire cast was really dynamic and powerful.  I love this story because it shows that there is always another side to the story and another perspective from which to see things.  No tears were shed, but it definitely tugs at the heart strings!  I was slightly tempted to break out into song with the characters but knew that those around me wouldn’t appreciate it so I refrained.  But it made me realize that maybe I need to be more diverse in my musical theater and not see Wicked every single time the opportunity comes up. 

We’ll see.

My friend Sara, who is currently living in Connecticut, was also in town this weekend so I crashed the Roundy girls night out and was able to catch up with her and all of her family.  They are the most amazing women ever and it was so fun to see them!  I will definitely need to make a trip back east and visit soon!

I also had a group of friends invite me to go to Cedar City this weekend to see Les Miserable.  Hello!  Another AMAZING musical and I hadn’t seen it in a while so I decided last minute to tag along.  It had been sold out for a while but the night before we were supposed to go I called to see if there was a single seat available and there was!  So I bought it!  Saturday morning, off to Cedar City I went.

We didn’t want to go all that way for a single play when the entire Shakespearean Festival was going on so we decided to catch a matinee.  The Merry Wives of Windsor.  HILARIOUS!!!!  I hadn’t seen any Shakespeare in a while so it was fun to see, especially one that I hadn’t ever seen before!  The actors were phenomenal and really did a fabulous job.  

After the Merry Wives but before Les Mis I fell in love.  We went to a restaurant between shows and I ordered “The Tempest.”  In a word, it was perfect.  I need to get the recipe or find a restaurant locally that serves it because I could really see myself eating this for the rest of my life.  SO GOOD!  I know I shouldn’t get that excited about food but it was really that good.  I wouldn’t even share with my friends.  They tricked me into thinking that my leftovers were gone and I almost lost it.  Just kidding.  But not really.

Les Mis was absolutely wonderful.  I love the story of redemption and forgiveness.  I was slightly bummed that I wouldn’t be sitting by any of my friends since I literally got the 2nd to last seat available but you don’t talk much during a play anyway so it was NBD (no big deal).  We all rushed into the theater because we were running a little late (my affair with the Tempest held us up).  I crawled over a few people to get to my seat, which was pretty good all things considered, I sat down, and then I saw my 6 friends walking to the row right in front of me to sit down in the only other empty seats in the theater.  Seriously.  What are the chances?  It was a tender mercy for sure.

After the show we drove to St. George to spend the night at an awesome condo and catch some R&R before driving back home.

All in all, I’d say it was a pretty sensational weekend!  I think I like being in the "real world" again!  

Sunday, July 22, 2012


The time has come.

I know I've done a lot of complaining about the bar exam but it is finally here.  This week.

I have mixed emotions.  When my niece, Taylor, heard me talking about how worried I was she said (in a very matter-of-fact tone), "Kan.  You've been going to school for 9 years, I think you're going to pass the test." 

I hope so, Taylor.  I hope so.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moving Out (But Not On or Up)

I LOVE traveling.  Seriously, it is one of my favorite pastimes!  I haven't been too many places as I only began this love affair after I graduated from college and could support it.  What do I love most about traveling?  There are new people to meet, delicious food to eat, and wonderful new sights to see!  What do I dislike most about traveling?


It's the worst.  Ever.

Even worse than packing for a fun and exciting trip is packing up your whole life that has accumulated over the last 3 years and then haul it all 1.5 miles away.  It's a good thing I have such wonderful, capable, and willing family members to help and support me in this transition!  :) (hint, hint, wink, wink).

Yes, the time has come (well, it will come in about two weeks) for me to move out.  Jake and Becky have been all too generous to let me invade their lives for the last 3 years!  It was only supposed to be temporary........but then I liked living with them so much I just never left.......  And I seriously don't know how I would have made it through school without them!!  It's been such a blessing in my life and I've tried really hard not to be too big a burden on their growing family.

But every good thing must come to an end.  It's going to be hard leaving such a wonderful place.  Their property is quite possibly the most perfect place to live.  I'm really going to miss seeing everyone everyday.  And listening to the girls practice their instruments in the morning.  And having Joc give me fashion advice.  And having Brooklyn give me the biggest hugs and be so excited to tell me the cool things she did that day.  And teasing JaKayla about all of her "boyfriends."  And chasing Brin around the house until she says those magical words ("Kandis is my favorite aunt, Kandis is the queen, Kandis is the princess").  And being able to talk to Jake about work and life.  And just having the example of Becky Jo, who is pretty much the most Christlike and hard working person I know.  And I might even miss coming home and having RJ and Diesel greet me at the door.  My small basement apartment will be so empty without all of them.

But I'm so grateful that they let me be a part of their lives!  And if their house alarm goes off in the middle of the night in the future, it will be a small comfort to know that it wasn't caused by me!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Growing Pains

No, not the tv show (although those Kirk Cameron days were highly entertaining). 

I'm talking about real growing pains.

Frankly, I don't remember it hurting so much growing from 20+ inches at birth to my current 5 ft. 9.75 inches.  Nope, not a bit.  But it hurts now.  A lot.

I'm not exactly physically growing, just facing another new challenge (the bar) that is stretching my abilities and confidence.  I know when it's all over I'll be a stronger and better person but right now the winds are blowing and the rains are falling and it's fierce.  

I think when it's all over I'm going to take a little rest.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bryants v. St. George

Every year the Ken Bryant family takes on St. George for the annual family vacation.  This year was no different and I think we outdid ourselves.  The rental house was HUGE, the food was amazing, we all had a blast, and my mom's prayers were answered in that no one killed each other!  There were rumors that this could be the last vacation for a while, but technically that wasn't ever confirmed so I'm hoping that we have more fun memories to look forward to making next year.  As for 2012, here were some of the highlights:
  • It all started with Jill's amazing chicken taquitos.  You can't each just one.
  • After years of oppression, Cade finally reaped the benefits of being the oldest child and got the 2nd master bedroom to sleep in.  
  • Everyone agreed that my "no tv" rule while studying for the bar should be suspended during the vacation.
  • Homemade granola for breakfast = HEAVEN!!!
  • Water football.
  • The "no splash" rule remained in force with minimal violations (if any of the nieces/nephews splash me they get thrown in the deep end of the pool......without floaties.......)
  •  Sand Hollow for 2 awesome days of boating thanks to Jake.  It's nice to have rich brothers.
  • Cliff jumping at the "red rock."
  • After more than 5 years out of the game I was still able to water ski.
  • Michelle and Co. were able to join us for a fun day at the beach.
  • We all found out that Bryants are freakishly susceptible to swimmer's itch.  Only 7% of the population gets it unless you are one of the 7 out of 18 in the Bryant Family.  Oh well, at least we got t-shirts.
  • JaKayla, Jocelyn, and Brooklyn all water skied for the first time!
  • Mom's dinner night was just like eating Cafe Rio.
  • Marshmallow guns!!
  • At home biore strips to clean out our pores.
  • Dominating "May I" the final night (sorry Jill, I still feel like I should feel guilty for going out on you three times but all I feel is triumphant).  
  • Photo shoot at the Dixie so that Alyssa can finally be included in the family photo.
  • JaKayla's first temple trip!
  • Realizing that I better stick to my day job after I messed up cooking minute rice. 
  • We all tried to be "Brave" at the new Disney movie with the same name.
  • Jake and Becky getting two, yes 2, flat tires to and fro.
  • Going to the cabin to participate in the Bryant Family Reunion.
 The family vacation is always such a fun time and we are so fortunate to be able to spend quality time together.  A big shout out to Mom and Dad for their generosity!  We are very blessed (spoiled) to be able to do this every year!  I did feel bad that I had to spend some of the time studying but it was fun to get away and soak up some serious vitamin D.  As of right now, this was the last planned vacation of the year for me.  I think I will have to do something about that.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Summer is the best time of year (not to be confused with the most wonderful time of the year).  School is out!  The sun is shining!  There are concerts and fairs and farmer's markets and vacations and fireworks and barbeques and lazy days!  Which is why I'm slightly bitter that I'm stuck inside (mostly) studying for the bar exam.


Just to clarify, the bar exam is not a test required to become a bar tender (as one police officer taking the fingerprints of my friend so naively thought).  It is a test inflicted only on the most masochistic of people.......lawyers.

So, about 3.5 years ago (3 years, 4 months, and 3 days, to be exact) I stopped posting on the blog.  Life was crazy.  I was busy (not really because that summer I was only working part time but to be perfectly honest I don't know what I did to fill up my days so saying I was busy just sounds better).  I went to Africa.  I was accepted to BYU law school.  Moved to Utah County.  Etc, etc, etc.  There is a whole lot that fills up those etceteras but long story short, posting on the blog for the last 3+ years was last on my priority list.  However, I didn't realize how funny I was until I went back and read some posts.  Why didn't anyone tell me how funny I was? 

So I guess I am "jumping back on the bandwagon*" and will see if I can motivate myself to post with more regularity.  Not that I have more time on my hands.  Far from it, actually.  But I have had to ban myself from tv and limit my daily Facebook usage in order to force myself to focus on studying for the bar.  Turns out, though, that I didn't restrict any time wasting activities in the blogosphere.  So I feel great about posting an update on my life as a means to procrastinate my bar studies.

I'm studying for the bar because, only by the grace of our dear Lord, I graduated from law school.

Law school was awesome and fulfilling and exactly what I needed at this point in my life.  One day, I may post more about it.  But now it's over (sadly).  And it's summer (happily)!  But I paid a whole lot of money and filled out what will probably be the longest application I will ever fill out in my life so that I could take a summer isn't looking quite so blissful.

Sure I spent two amazing weeks in Hawaii.  And an awesome weekend at Snowbird.  And will soon be heading to St. George for a week of family vacation fun.  But I want my summer!!!

I guess it's time for me to grow up.

So I will be spending the next month and a half of THE BEST TIME OF YEAR studying in preparation for two days of the most torturous, most mentally exhausting, and most manipulative test taking that I've ever encountered.

Don't you feel sorry for me? 

*My darling sister, Shanel, says that since she has "jumped on the bandwagon" I need to as well.  I told her that blogging was the bandwagon at least 4 years ago.  She said it still is and since she has started to blog more, I should, too.  I tried to tell her that posting a single blog post after a 4 year hiatus doesn't really constitute "jumping back on the bandwagon," especially since she only posted a handful of posts in the first place.  She is not to be persuaded, however, so here I am "jumping on."